For us at Sogaenergyteam, much more than a business it’s a mission.

The world is getting smaller and, consequently, distances getting shorter.

What happens in every corner of the earth is now something affecting all of us, very closely. We are all directly connected to any event, wherever and however it happens, so much so that the event, in some way, will affect, more or less, everyone’s lives. Just like the “butterfly effect” formulated by meteor-ologist Edward Lorenz in the apparently paradoxical famous theory that “the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil, can cause a tornado in Texas”.

This is what’s going on and the Covid-19 emergency is teaching us. Globalization has made us all more mobile and, with us, also our products, spread to every corner of the world. Our products themselves, in turn, are made of raw materials, components and sub-components which, directly or through indirect ways, often come in turn from every corner of the planet.

Never before have the peoples of the earth been closer, sharing enough joys and pains and… same pandemics. Not to mention the “voluntary epidemics” wanted by man which are the wars that bring even more death, with refugees and new migrations of desperate peoples from all over the world to other parts of the world.

So we understand that Covid-19 is not the only thing that turns and spreads around the world. However difficult it may be to accept, it is also part of us, of our system and of this whole humanity, with all its strengths and weaknesses, its habits and its vices.

You will wonder what all this introduction has to do with the message expressed in the title of this article, I guess. Here is the point, then.

In all this scenario, each of us, whether he is an individual or a company, should have in mind what his purpose is, the reason why he is in a specific time and in a specific place. The reason for its space and time. What these events are calling us to do is simple and obvious to understand. All of us, both entrepreneurs and employees, both scientists and students, both professionals and politicians, or artists, craftsmen or traders should do what we already do but to the best of our ability. If everyone does, in the best way he can, what his fate has led him to do, than the right solutions and good choices will start circulating in the world.

It is by working well today that we will create the right solutions of tomorrow, to manage new emergencies and new crises. The world is at a turning point and we all have our task to accomplish.

We at Sogaenergyteam have been working for years in the search for solutions for the energy industry. We create reliable and quality products to supply to our customers scattered on all continents. Our customers, in turn, with their products, will provide energy to the planet. Whether it’s standby generator sets for emergencies in hospitals, or wind turbine generators to produce green energy, or for auxiliary power units that make it easier for those who work, or for hybrid solutions for those who move on means of transport and work in a more eco-sustainable way, or for telecom stations that allow everyone to stay in touch with the world, we at Sogaenergyteam want to do our part, with courage, obstinacy and to the best of our ability.

In this we believe, in every minute of our day. This is our mission: to give the world the energy it needs, so that it can become a better world tomorrow.